Shemot 5: to learn how to speak for oneself

Shemot 5: to learn how to speak for oneself

Moses is one of the paradigms of leadership that we find in the Torah, with David or Joshuah. But to become the national leader of the People of Israel and to take a group of slaves and lead them to become the People of Israel, Moses has to learn a lot. If we recall his first conversation with the Holy blessed one, we will find one of the first lessons in leadership. During the revelation by the burning bush, when the Holy One, blessed be, shows the signs that Moses will have to perform before the Children of Israel, so they believe him, transforming his stick into a snake, his own leprous hand and taking water out from the river, and it becoming blood (Shemot, 4:1-9). «Moses said to the Lord, "I beseech You, O Lord. I am not a man of words, neither from yesterday nor from the day before yesterday, nor from the time You have spoken to Your servant,...
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